Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at DU
克服多样性、公平和包容方面的障碍并非易事. It is also not quickly achieved. 我们在杜克大学的进步并没有因为缺乏激情、兴趣或承诺而受到阻碍. 校园里的个人和团体已经做出了真正的改变, 但这种变化主要发生在少数人身上,而且已经失败, in some cases, to reach the people who need it most. The reasons for this are complex, 我们现在正在转向更好地识别领导力, take action, and increase accountability and consistency.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Units
Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The Division of Diversity, Equity, 和包容(DEI)致力于提供领导, guidance, 和资源支持yzcca88游戏登录网址致力于建立一个更加多元化的大学, equitable, and inclusive institution.
Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence
学生事务和包容性卓越(SAIE)致力于为学生提供所需的支持和技能,使他们成为有能力的公民,对他们所在的社区产生积极影响, now, and in the future.
Human Resources and Inclusive Communities
人力资源和包容性社区(HRIC)致力于维护杜在学术和研究方面的全球领先地位,为公众利益服务. As a strategic partner of the University community, 我们提供领先的人力资源服务和项目来吸引, inspire and sustain excellence in our community.